tisdag 3 februari 2009

Ammo Crate

Ammo crate, Maya, Photoshop

Lessons Learned:
1. Don't take too long between sessions of making the model, or you will forget what you were doing :-P.
2. Tried to make this crate a bit more interesting with stripes, lettering and stickers. Made too much of these details at first, making the prop nice when it is standing by itself, but placing several of these crates next to each other revealed the copy/paste-ness.

These kind of props are not supposed to steal the players attention, players should be aware of what the prop is supposed to be, perhaps use the prop, throw it, break it or similar. If the prop has a distinctive pattern, chances are that the player will find this strange or annoying. If this happens, you have taken the players attention away from the game, and thus, have made a bad prop.

3. Make an effort to ignore MSN while working. Disrupts the workflow.

4. I find no need to make a highpoly-version of these more simple props, the Nvidia Filter for normalmaps in photoshop works just fine. Next model will be more detailed!

4 kommentarer:

Iona Rosin sa...

Cool! I would like to see your pictures with greater resoultion. ^^ How about making that portfolio-webpage? ^^

Daniel Ribera Olsen sa...

Just click on the images to see them in higher resolution :-)

Iona Rosin sa...

Duh, I know THAT! :-P
But I want them even bigger!

Iona Rosin sa...

Duh, I know THAT! :-P
But I want them even bigger!