torsdag 28 januari 2010

Asynja study

Painting just WORKED today, so maybe this is the final Asynja? Found an old sketch I did where her armour is asymmetrical. I love non-symmetrical characters, they always look very personal when most other game-characters are mirrored to save memory... [of course the eye on the shoulderpad should twitch and look around as if it were alive]

The colored face may need to get i bit bigger, and some work needs to be done to the eyes... She looks a bit like Bill Kaulitz (OH NOOO) so she needs to become just a tad bit more feminine...

Don't know if she should have irises in her eyes or not... And I removed the usual crystal around her neck, as the chest are is getting cluttered thanks to the shoulderpad

[edit: added a different perspective due to some feedback]

torsdag 21 januari 2010

måndag 18 januari 2010

3D character, RTS, wip

So I think I am about done with the model and texture. I went against almost every rule I usually teach to those that come and work with graphics on DL, but I had damned fun anyway. Could probably halve the textureresolution, remove about 300 polys. Oh well. Next one will be horribly optimized to make it up. Tested Bodypaint 3D for texturing, really nice to work with, but tough to get the details right. Still had to go back to photoshop to fix the texture.

Works wonders on seams and tough shapes like her thong, but the lines doesn´t really get as good as they are in photoshop... Next is rigging/animation... :-(

söndag 17 januari 2010

Merc; the beginning?

A little exercise that started wrong, with me doing the big character exactly front perspective... Old habits die hard... So I did some more from the sides... wow it´s hard... not one of them look like the same character... Oh well... While sketching away a little idea for the story of this character... Mostly I just go with the flow while drawing, not planning very much... So probably due to some heavy intake of Modern Warfare 2, he got a vest and a SMG...

He also have quite the chin. Perfect hero material eh? Well, I then got an idea to put him in a game with zombies (wow, original!). Only slightly more humorous, with a rather large head for him. He also has some serious coffee addiction, so he needs to find some coffee as well as met up with the rest of his unit, in a city overrun with zombies...

So maybe his skill is shooting and the occasional caffeine rush, resulting in bullet-time or something :-P. He also has a protective vest = more health

And maybe he´ll pick up some folks while searching for his squadmates? Always loved that in games like GTA 2 or Syndicate Wars, which both had ways to aquire temporary teammates in form of pedestrians or gangmembers. They make things easier for you, follow you, but you don't get to sad if they happen to die...

Hmm something for Game Maker maybe...

torsdag 14 januari 2010

Careless art nouveau

So, inspired by some old paintings by Alphonse Mucha, here is the heroine from project Careless!

tisdag 12 januari 2010

Heroic color variations

Color variations and sideview for teh HEROine. Purple ftw. maybe. :-P

And by god and all that is unholy, why is Blogger RESAVING my jpgs into new jpgs!! Image quality DESTROYED!! 

Ghûnan consumes you!

40 min wip on Ghûnan

So he is supposed to have consumed the souls of 1000 warlords or something like that, always wondered how that "consuming" would look. Well here´s an idea at least...

söndag 10 januari 2010

Epik Bozz and minion

Today was not a day to do ordinary heroes... So BORING. More undead plz. An undead Banshee Knight maybe? And her skeleton minion? Yes, much more fun.

fredag 8 januari 2010


Your soul is slowly dissolving. You can feel it, no physical pain, just a sensation in the back of your head. You are fading into nothing.

Will you go quietly? Or will you ravage the world until all that is left of you is a shell?

(small story segment for Asynja, whom I never seem to get just right...)

2D Heroine

So, taking the head from the thin one, combining it with the body of the wrestler-woman produced an ok result. She was still way to thick... So worked some more on her to make her midsection smaller... I think I´m pretty done now, maybe will tweak shield position.

Just had to make a little larger version too :-)

onsdag 6 januari 2010

WIPs from 2009

So, during a year I create a lot of PSD´s that simply doesn't get done, despite good intentions. I either forget them, grow tired of them or start on a new pic alltogether... Here are some of these unfinished pics, all mashed into one!

Will one of them be finished in 2010?

tisdag 5 januari 2010

2D Girls!

So I tried to make ingame versions of the WIPS last posted... Kind of hard, but I guess the thin one had most character, the red one looks like a guy and the armored one looks like a pro wrestler