tisdag 29 september 2015


I really like old-school arcade brawlers like Dungeons & Dragons from Capcom and Dragons Crown. I recently watched Sleepy Hollow and I just love the aesthetic of that movie. Then I imagined if such a game existed where one would choose a Witch-hunter or similar and proceed to hunt the forces of evil! How original! :-D

Maybe I´ll work more on it, maybe not. I'm imagining a Nordic take on the whole thing, where you hunt creatures from Nordic folklore.

torsdag 17 september 2015

Metroid Slug mockup 03

Did a new environment for my made-up game that doesn't exist, and really struggled with this one. Redid the whole thing after a failed first attempt, got a good moodboard with inspiration and then went at it again to create the image above.

It was tough to balance the different layers in this environment, and I have a lot to learn regarding foliage and trees... But you can't have only caves!

fredag 4 september 2015

Metroid Slug mockup 02

More sidescroller art. As usual while I draw these things a story/world starts to build in the back of my head, whether I want it or not :-)

I imagine an evil South American dictator and his army finding some sort of strange crystals deep below in some forgotten ruins, and somehow they manage to tap in to the power of said crystals to fuel/inspire their warmachine. It is up to the player and her rebel friends to stop the megalomaniac dictator using too much firepower! Unique setting, I know!! :-D