A little exercise that started wrong, with me doing the big character exactly front perspective... Old habits die hard... So I did some more from the sides... wow it´s hard... not one of them look like the same character... Oh well... While sketching away a little idea for the story of this character... Mostly I just go with the flow while drawing, not planning very much... So probably due to some heavy intake of Modern Warfare 2, he got a vest and a SMG...
He also have quite the chin. Perfect hero material eh? Well, I then got an idea to put him in a game with zombies (wow, original!). Only slightly more humorous, with a rather large head for him. He also has some serious coffee addiction, so he needs to find some coffee as well as met up with the rest of his unit, in a city overrun with zombies...
So maybe his skill is shooting and the occasional caffeine rush, resulting in bullet-time or something :-P. He also has a protective vest = more health
And maybe he´ll pick up some folks while searching for his squadmates? Always loved that in games like GTA 2 or Syndicate Wars, which both had ways to aquire temporary teammates in form of pedestrians or gangmembers. They make things easier for you, follow you, but you don't get to sad if they happen to die...
Hmm something for Game Maker maybe...