fredag 7 oktober 2011
fredag 23 september 2011
onsdag 21 september 2011
torsdag 15 september 2011
More art - Doom
Fixed the "Doom worshipper" I usually spot stuff that can be improved and bettered, after I am "done" with a piece, and with any luck, I´ll come back to it and fix it.
fredag 9 september 2011
tisdag 6 september 2011
söndag 14 augusti 2011
fredag 12 augusti 2011
onsdag 10 augusti 2011
fredag 5 augusti 2011
City progress
Things went a little slow, but windows and stuff became much better with just drawing some in a front view then duplicating them and "skewing"... Hard part is adding stuff to the bottom of the city, don't really know what to add here :-D
torsdag 4 augusti 2011
City test paintings
City environment just painted and with added texture. Good grief, the car is horrible :-D
Too pastelly still... Ungh... and the windows look bad as well...

The second one went better, tho still unfinished. I spent more time setting up the perspective and making sure the forms are alright, so hopefully this will look less cartoonish. Will try to make windows as tiles instead of drawing them one and one.
tisdag 2 augusti 2011
City Paintover
So, choosing a photo from Hong Kong, I started with the task to do paintovers, to make the same image tell different stories.
The original photo is pretty neutral with a very white sky.
The post apocalyptic one was probably the most fun to do, since there was no real limit to what I could do with the image. I should have made the trees more dead though.
The sign "Primavera" could use some work to blend in more, or maybe I should have done the text in 3D... I need a better technique to make the people more believable, they still look a bit unrealistic
More people would have been nice :-D
This was one crazy idea that didn't fly at all :-I
I started to exchange so much stuff that the base almost dissapeared, and still it just felt like a more red day than usual. The hovercars in the sky was a last ditch effort to make it seem otherworldly but they don't really look good.
I just didn't know how to fill the empty spaces I created... Oh well.
It was all really fun to do though, next one will be more painting and less photo.
fredag 29 juli 2011
Matte paintings
So, by now it is clear that I won't be working with Dreamlords anymore, in a few months time, hopefully the game will live on somehow.
That said, I have a few paths I could take after that. One of them, that I will post about here regularly from now on, is matte paintings.
Basically, there is a workplace for me, if I can learn how to properly render images of city-scapes. But I really haven't done stuff like that for ages... So I will use the contacts and tutorials I have at my disposal to try and learn it.

But it will serve as a base to understand what I need to do, what I need to improve etc.
Some things I learnt by doing this first image:
* I just did this with no particular thought on WHY, or WHO is going to use this image. This is not really ideal, since I don't really now what details to add, colours to use or anything. If I had a theme, or was trying to say something with my image, it would probably have been easier
* I have a lot of flat surface, which makes the paintover look very basic and cartoony. I have used some textures, but the lack of detail hurts the image.
* Everything from "feel" to what to include in the scene is depending on what I want to portray, so for the next one, I will try to think of a theme and THEN go image-hunting.
Basically, it looks like shit, but it's ok for learnings sake. In the past, I would probably just have tossed the painting in the bin, but I gotta learn this stuff :-)
Makin movies
Started to make some videos again and to practice I started with editing a movie about the excellent Invasion mode for good old DOOM (using the SKULLTAG ENGINE). Video is available at 480p
Then on to the real deal with collecting clips I made for trailers for Dreamlords, into it's own movie. I didn't have a lot of time to make these, and as the only graphical artist, there was no time to build any 3D-assets, so I tried to make the best use of 2D, with some details like hair and capes to make it come alive. (Be sure to check it in HD)
Then on to the real deal with collecting clips I made for trailers for Dreamlords, into it's own movie. I didn't have a lot of time to make these, and as the only graphical artist, there was no time to build any 3D-assets, so I tried to make the best use of 2D, with some details like hair and capes to make it come alive. (Be sure to check it in HD)
torsdag 28 juli 2011
Soldier boieeee
So I tried something I generally don't do, a realistic soldier :-P
Still done with my style though, a bit cartoonish. And pretty bland too. A well, onto something else.
onsdag 27 juli 2011
Pirate Lass, again
tisdag 26 juli 2011
Dreamlords GUI
I´ve done so much GUI work for the 3 Dreamlords games that it is silly :-D
I tried to gather some of it into a collage for my portfolio site, but I barely touched the surface, since most of these buttons and icons also have 4-5 states as well.
As time went on, I used more and more colour and and bigger elements. The first GUI-stuff looks pretty bleak and small compared to the later stuff. I was a bit afraid of colour in the beginning since I was new, and didn't want to be the "intrusive artist". :-P oh well, in the end it was just me left anyway, so I let go and added saturation. And it was for the better to be honest.
No need to use grey in our games as well, we have enough bleak tones in everyday life :-)
måndag 27 juni 2011
Updated Homepage!
Spent a fair amount to update almost all pics on my
Nice to see that I've improved! (according to myself anyway :-D)
Gonna post some pics from that update here as well.


fredag 10 juni 2011
tisdag 31 maj 2011
måndag 9 maj 2011
måndag 2 maj 2011
Logo for DLR
So we needed a new logo for Dreamlords Resurrection. We didn't have a lot of time, and since I am the only artist working on the game, there was no chance to remake it completely.
Still, there were some things I regretted with the old Reawakening logo;
1. Color: When I first got on the Dreamlords project, I was afraid to use too much color, since I thought it would stand out too much to the somewhat bleak art that already existed. Big mistake, the logo got muddled when resized, and didn't look to good printed either.
2. The ball is nice, but very fuzzy. Makes the logo very hard to place anywhere where there is other graphics wanting attention.
Little time and a demand to keep the ball for recognition made me choose to brighten the whole thing, add a slight diffuse to the ball, and make it half red, with the sub-title in another colors-cheme altogether to make it stand out. With the time given, I was pretty ok with it.
Here are some alternatives that got scrapped along the way, except the top right one.
I still like the one that is completely red though!
Still, there were some things I regretted with the old Reawakening logo;
1. Color: When I first got on the Dreamlords project, I was afraid to use too much color, since I thought it would stand out too much to the somewhat bleak art that already existed. Big mistake, the logo got muddled when resized, and didn't look to good printed either.
2. The ball is nice, but very fuzzy. Makes the logo very hard to place anywhere where there is other graphics wanting attention.
I still like the one that is completely red though!
måndag 18 april 2011
Some 2D work-art
Somewhat recent 2D-work for Dreamlords. These are used in mail, PR and maybe the homepage as well. Never underestimate the worth of having some art lying around, is what I have learnt with Dreamlords.
Almost every drawn art-asset made by me or anyone else has been used *a lot*, especially when the 3D-models for the game are quite basic in most cases.

Almost every drawn art-asset made by me or anyone else has been used *a lot*, especially when the 3D-models for the game are quite basic in most cases.
torsdag 14 april 2011
Back in the trenches of art
I haven't posted in ages, boo! Well now that Dreamlords has launched, I'm gonna post some more "work related" art. And since we could hire some more help, there is more time than ever to do graphics at work, which is absolutely awesome!!
Today I´ll post some 3D models, ingame monsters for Dreamlords
Big dude, comes with a tail also, actually circling around the whole map he is in, looks epic!
Floating head! Also has a particle-effect not shown in Maya, he is kind of leaking from the hole in his head, wouldn't anyone?
Evil boss of the floating heads! Had fun with some expressions for his idle anim
Nedom Puppy! I mean nedom spawn...
Tomorrow I´ll post some 2D stuff
Today I´ll post some 3D models, ingame monsters for Dreamlords
Tomorrow I´ll post some 2D stuff
lördag 22 januari 2011
Something old, and awesome
To the great people I worked with during my time with "UPPSPELT", I hope that you are all well, just found this lying around.
Those were the days :-)
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