He made inspiring films, and if I had to show one movie to someone who is new to Japanese animation, I'd probably pick one of his movies.
The Swedish Channel SVT1 even choose his film "Perfect Blue" to be part of a "Anime" evening, and that is something considering that Anime is shown about once every 10 years or so here on Swedish television :-P
Perfect Blue, drama/thriller about an singer that learns that the past is not easily forgotten.
Tokyo Godfathers, a film about three homeless people in Tokyo, finding a baby in the trash during winter. This movie really warms the heart and sets the holiday spirit. I really recommend it.
Paprika, a movie about a scientist who can enter the subconscious of other people and visit them in their dreams. This movie is a bit on the crazy side, but the animation, music and setting is absolutely stunning. Give it a try!
Some people tell me animation is just for kids. Well, I feel sorry for them, a good story is a good story no matter how it is delivered. For the people that still have their imagination intact, I highly recommend any of Satoshi Kon's movies. They differ wildly in theme and story, but one thing they all share is heart.
Thank you Satoshi Kon, for all your great work, and I hope that your movies will continue to inspire and delight people for a long time.