I seem to have an affinity for large armoured guys that die in droves. And in StarCraft, these little dudes die A LOT.
Yes I have been playing some SC2... :-D Nice game, real nice...

While I'm not very good at multiplayer, the game has a very solid single player campaign, taking of where the old game left of (12 years ago? I'm getting old...)You play a disillusioned rebel leader called Jim Raynor who seems to have a bit of a drinking problem (he drinks whiskey in almost all scenes so far)
Some of the most impressive graphics can be found in between missions, where you can hang out, chat with the crew and buy upgrades for your units. The scenes are all rendered in the SC2 engine, and it is simply beautiful!
While I like pre-rendered movies as well, nothing gets the ol' graphic-heart beating like a nice realtime scene! Blizzard sure has come a long way since the story was given by small unit portraits and text. Here are some images of hardened men doing manly stuff, like moping at a bar! (all in realtime!)

I feel like I'm 11 years old again :-P Yay!